Reviews East Calgary Registry

Address: 1440 52 St NE #244, Calgary, AB T2A 4T8, Canada

Telephone: +1 403-272-5513

Business type: Registry office

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The staff at the East Calgary Registry office are described as great people who are always willing to help out the customers. One staff member in particular, Omar, is highlighted as one of the best staff members in the registry. Customers are proud of his ability to speak Arabic well and appreciate his assistance.

The overall experience at the East Calgary Registry office was great. The customer registered on the touch screen and passed immediately without any complaints. The staff members were described as really nice people who genuinely want to help customers. The electronic line system was also praised for its efficiency in notifying customers when their turn is approaching.

What stood out about the service at the East Calgary Registry office was the helpful and efficient staff members. Customers appreciated the ease of the electronic line system and the proactive approach in notifying customers when their turn is approaching. The overall atmosphere of the office was described as nice and welcoming.

Customers wish all the best for the staff member Omar at the East Calgary Registry office. They express their love and gratitude for his assistance and thank him for his help. Omar is recognized as one of the best staff members in the registry, and customers appreciate his ability to speak Arabic well.

The system at the East Calgary Registry office was described as efficient and customer-friendly. Customers liked the touch screen registration process and the electronic line system that allowed them to wait comfortably without standing in line. The system also sends notifications to customers before calling their name, making the process smooth and convenient.

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